 ZHU Jiali,LU Sucai.Research progress of berberine in the treatment of ulcerative colitis[J].Journal of Xinxiang Medical University,2022,39(2):187-191.[doi:10.7683/xxyxyxb.2022.02.018]





Research progress of berberine in the treatment of ulcerative colitis
(河北大学附属医院消化科,河北 保定 071000)
ZHU JialiLU Sucai
(Department of Gastroenterology,Affiliated Hospital of Hebei University,Baoding 071000,Hebei Province,China)
berberineulcerative colitisintestinal microfloraintestinal mucosal barrier
Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a chronic colon inflammation of unknown cause,whose lesions are mainly confined to the mucosal and submucosal layers of the colon.At present,the etiology of UC is not completely clear,and most scholars believe that its pathogenesis is related to genetics,immunity,environment and microorganisms,and there is no specific treatment method.Berberine is the main component extracted from Coptis chinensis,which can be used for anti-inflammatory,anti-microbial,anti-tumor,blood pressure reduction,blood sugar reduction blood lipid reduction and other treatments.At present,the study has found that berberine has a clear curative effect on UC,and its action mechanism includes anti-inflammatory,regulating intestinal flora,repairing intestinal mucosal barrier,regulating immune response,and so on,but the research in various aspects is not perfect.This paper reviews the research progress of the effect and mechanism of berberine in the treatment of UC.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2022-02-05