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 LIU Bo,HUA Ting-ting,ZHAO Yuan-yuan,et al.Associativity of psychiatric symptom and cognitive function in schizophrenic patients with different types of traditional Chinese medicine[J].Journal of Xinxiang Medical University,2018,35(4):298-302.[doi:10.7683/xxyxyxb.2018.04.010]





Associativity of psychiatric symptom and cognitive function in schizophrenic patients with different types of traditional Chinese medicine
刘 波华婷婷赵媛媛王新友张建宏杨世昌
(新乡医学院第二附属医院精神二科,河南 新乡 453002)
LIU BoHUA Ting-tingZHAO Yuan-yuanWANG Xin-youZHANG Jian-hongYANG Shi-chang
(The Second Department of Psychiatry,the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xinxiang Medical University,Xinxiang 453002,Henan Province,China)
schizophreniadifferent types of traditional Chinese medicinepositive and negative syndrome scalecognitive function
目的 探讨精神分裂症不同中医辨证分型患者的精神症状与认知功能特点及二者的相关性。方法 选择新乡医学院第二附属医院2016年2月至2016年7月门诊及住院治疗的精神分裂症患者538例为研究对象,其中痰火内扰型143例,痰湿内阻型137例,阴虚火旺型43例,心脾两虚型41例,阳虚亏损型37例,气滞血瘀型126例,肝郁脾虚型11例。分别应用阳性与阴性症状量表(PANSS)和威斯康星卡片分类测验(WCST)对各型患者进行精神症状和认知功能评定,并分析精神分裂症患者的精神症状与认知功能的相关性。结果 痰火内扰型、痰湿内阻型和阴虚火旺型患者阳性症状评分、正确应答数和完成分类数高于心脾两虚型、阳虚亏损型、气滞血瘀型和肝郁脾虚型患者 (P<0.05);痰火内扰型、痰湿内阻型和阴虚火旺型患者阴性症状评分、持续错误数、错误应答数低于心脾两虚型、阳虚亏损型、气滞血瘀型和肝郁脾虚型患者 (P<0.05)。痰火内扰型、痰湿内阻型和阴虚火旺型患者阳性症状和阴性症状评分、持续错误数、错误应答数、正确应答数和完成分类数比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);心脾两虚型、阳虚亏损型、气滞血瘀型和肝郁脾虚型患者阳性症状和阴性症状评分、持续错误数、错误应答数、正确应答数和完成分类数比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。WCST中持续错误数、错误应答数、正确应答数和完成分类数与患者的发病年龄、病程及PANSS阳性症状评分无相关性(P>0.05),持续错误数、完成分类数与PANSS阴性症状评分呈负相关(r=-0.103、-0.184,P<0.05),正确应答数、完成分类数与受教育程度呈正相关(r=0.414、0.417,P<0.05)。结论 不同中医证型精神分裂症患者的精神症状存在不同,其中痰火内扰型、痰湿内阻型和阴虚火旺型患者以阳性症状为主,心脾两虚型、肝郁脾虚型、阳虚亏损型和气滞血瘀型患者以阴性症状为主;阴性症状明显的患者其认知功能受损严重,而其中受教育程度较高的患者其认知功能保持良好。
Objective To investigate the characteristics and associativity of psychotic symptoms and cognitive function in schizophrenic patients with different types of traditional Chinese medicine.Methods Five hundred and thirty-eight patients were selected in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xinxiang Medical University from February 2016 to June 2016,among them,143 cases with pyrophlegm internal disturbance type,137 cases with phlegm resistance type,43 cases with yin deficiency with fire hyperactivity type,41 cases with heart-spleen deficiency type,37 cases with yang deficiency type,126 cases with qi-blood stagnation type and 11 cases with liver depression with qi stagnation type.The psychiatric symptoms and cognitive function of all the patients were assessed with the positive and negative syndrome scale (PANSS) and the Wisconsin card sorting test (WCST),and associativity of psychiatric symptom and cognitive function in schizophrenic patients was analyzed.Results Compared to the patients with heart-spleen deficiency type,liver depression with qi stagnation type,yang deficiency type and qi-blood stagnation type,the positive syndromes scores of PANSS,the number of correct responses and completed categories in the patients with pyrophlegm internal disturbance type,phlegm resistance type and yin deficiency with fire hyperactivity type were higher (P<0.01),and the negative syndromes scores of PANSS,the numbers of persistent errors and wrong answers were lower(P<0.01).There was no significant difference in the positive and negative syndromes scores of PANSS,the number of correct responses,completed categories,persistent errors and wrong answers among the pyrophlegm internal disturbance type,phlegm resistance type and yin deficiency with fire hyperactivity type(P>0.05).There was no significant difference in the positive and negative syndromes scores of PANSS,the number of correct responses,completed categories,persistent errors and wrong answers among the heart-spleen deficiency type,liver depression with qi stagnation type,yang deficiency type and qi-blood stagnation type(P>0.05).The age of onset,course of disease and positive syndromes scores of PANSS were not correlated with the number of persistent errors,wrong answers.correct responses and completed categories(P>0.05).The negative syndromes scores of PANSS were negatively correlated with the number of persistent errors and completed categorie(r=-0.103,-0.184;P<0.05),and the educational level was positively correlated with the number of correct answers and completed categories(r=0.414,0.417;P<0.05).Conclusion There are different psychiatric symptoms in different types of traditional Chinese medicine in patients with schizophrenia.There are more positive symptoms in patients with pyrophlegm internal disturbance type group,phlegm resistance type group and yin deficiency with fire hyperactivity type,and there are more negative symptoms in patients with heart-spleen deficiency type group,liver depression with qi stagnation type group,yang deficiency type group and qi-blood stagnation type.Those with negative symptoms were significantly impaired in cognitive function and the cognitive function was well maintained in patients with higher educational level.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2018-04-05